




Complications of tubal blockage

Tubal blockage, with a high clinical incidence, is a common gynecological disease. It is always accompanied by some other health problems. But with effective treatment, only a small percentage of patients have lasting damage. And in this article, the author will mainly introduce the complications of tubal blockage.

1. Tubal blockage patients may have the symptom of dysmenorrhea. 
Dysmenorrhea is a common complication of tubal blockage. The reason lies in that long-term chronic tubal inflammation can lead to pelvic congestion. This congestion affects the normal flow of blood, causing dysmenorrhea. Patients can have menstrual cramps a week before menstruation begins. And the closer the day is to menstruation, the heavier the pain is. This lasts until the menstruation starts. To relieve the pain, patients need take drugs which can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. For example, patent medicine fuyan pill is a good choice.
2. Irregular menstruation will appear. 
The fallopian tubes and ovaries are adjacent, so the oviduct inflammatory easily spreads to the ovary. Consequently, great harm will be done to ovary, resulting in abnormal menstruation. To avoid this condition, timely treatment is needed once tubal inflammation occurs.
3. Patients can be accompanied by ectopic pregnancy. 
Blocked fallopian tube keeps the fertilized egg from reaching the uterus. As a result, the intercepted eggs and sperms grow in the fallopian tube, resulting in ectopic pregnancy. Although there is small probability, it occurs. 
4. Tubal blockage can result in infertility. 
In addition to ectopic pregnancy, another common complication of tubal blockage patients is infertility. The main function of fallopian tube is transporting sperm and eggs, taking in the fertilized egg and carrying them to the uterine cavity. When the fallopian tube is blocked, it will hinder the fertilized egg and sperm passage, leading to infertility.
The complications of tubal blockage are mainly reflected in these four aspects. To avoid injury brought by the disease, patients should first prevent the happening of tubal blockage. And this requires female friends receive aggressive treatment once having tubal inflammation or some other gynecological diseases. Only in this way can tubal blockage and its complications be effectively prevented. For tubal blockage, patients can take oral medicine fuyan pill for the treatment. Eliminating the symptoms and pathogens at the same time, fuyan pill can thoroughly treat the disease.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2014/0607/596.html

The prevention and natural treatment of hydrosalpinx

Hydrosalpinx, commonly happen on patients with chronic salpingitis, is one of the causes that lead to infertility. The symptoms of it are often that an abdominal pain in one or both side of the body. Sometimes it is also with a sense of falling feeling or increased secretions and so on. Among hydrosalpinx treatments, a majority of which are prone to relapse after treating. So a good preventive measure and treatment is very important. We can prevent hydrosalpinx from the following aspects:

1. Note the menstrual hygiene. During menstruation or after childbirth or abortion, women's fitness is relatively poor. At that time, if you keep a good health habit, the bacterial invasion can be effectively prevented. And then you can achieve the purpose of the hydrosalpinx prevention. 
2. Pay attention to sexual health. Dirty sex life is the source of many diseases. Of course, the hydrosalpinx is included. So before sexual activities, both men and women need to wash your genitals well. In this way, the bacteria invasion can be stopped. And at that time, if the vaginal bleeding appears, the sex activities should be stopped soon.
3. Surgery hygiene. When you take gynecological surgery, you’d better choose the normal hospital. Because if sterilization is not strict or surgical environment is poor, the bacteria can easily enter into the vagina and uterus, which result in artificially infection.
4. Salpingitis needs to be treated timely to avoid worsening development. In the treatment of hydrosalpinx, western doctors advocate the use of antibiotics to have the antimicrobial therapy. However, its side effects, such as antibiotic resistance and high relapse rate, make the patients off. On the other hand, in Chinese treatment, Wuhan Dr.lee suggests to take the nature medicine Fuyan pill. It is a safe treatment without side effects, and it is more in line with the needs of treatment. Fuyan pill, which can promote the blood circulation and remove spleen dampness, plays a very good therapeutic effect on hydrosalpinx curing.  
5. Daily exercise activity. Proper physical exercises can enhance the immune function and physical fitness, and prevent the occurrence of disease. If all this done, the chance of bacteria invade can be effective reduced. Also, the occurrence of hydrosalpinx can be avoided. 
When one gets the hydrosalpinx, she should choose the appropriate method according to their situation. Fuyan pill, with many years of clinical testing for various gynecological diseases treatment, is a really effective medicine for hydrosalpinx. It not only can effectively avoid the surgical damage, but also cure the disease completely.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2014/0611/598.html

Chlamydia positive, conservative TCM treatment is the right way

Chlamydia positive actually put much harms on women. When one infected with it, not only the urethra can be infected but also  the entire urinary and reproductive organs are involved in. besides, as patients are often with mild symptoms, or miss the optimal treatment time for some reason, the chlamydia then can be more and more serious and cause the infertility finally.

Ms. Tan in Suzhou province is such kind of person. Recently, Ms. Tan happen to find her abnormal vaginal discharge and unwell of abdominal and genital tract. She then went to have a check. The result turned out to be chlamydia. She felt anxiety and followed the doctor’s recommendation of antibiotics therapy. unfortunately, with a time of treatment, her condition has no changes.   
Desperately, with the attitude of trying, Ms. Tan decided to take the conservative TCM treatment. Introduced by friends, she made a call to the Chinese doctor Li Xiaoping. Dr. Lee asked a lot of questions and details about the disease. With the careful understanding of her conditions, Dr. Lee suggested her to take a course of fuyan pill first. In addition, Dr Lee also told her to follow some eating taboos, such as to stop eating the soybean oil and avoid the sex life during the medication. These taboos can not only aggravate the condition but also impact the effect of the pills. 
According to Dr. Lee, Ms. Tan decided to try a course of Fuyan pill. She gave up using the soybean oil at home, and switching to some the oil that not violates the taboo. Besides, during the medication, she started to abstinence. What’s more, in normal everyday life, she also pay more attention to the healthy diet and personal hygiene, and do moderate exercise every day to enhance the body immunity.
After taking a month of fuyan pill, Tan became obviously impatient. She still felt discomfort and called to Dr. Lee. After hearing the case, Dr. Lee told her seriously that TCM treatment was surely to be longer than the western medicine and it also can be affected by certain factors. so a significant improvement just one month of treatment was impossible, but this didn’t mean that Fuyan pill for the treatment of female chlamydia positive was useless. With the peace mood, she should continue to take it for the completely courses.
After heard that, Ms. Tan decided to adhere to a month. After a month, Ms. Tan went to the hospital to have a reexamine again. Unexpected, the Chlamydia became negative. Again she felt so existing and thankful for Dr. Lee and fuyan pills. 
Fuyan pill, made up of pure herbs, can not only clear away chlamydia directly, but also enhance immunity system and improve self-healing ability. It can cure the disease from the root within three months thoroughly.
article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2014/0628/604.html

Fuyan Pill Successful Case - Tubal blockage

Name: Victoria


Gender: Female


Address: the United Kingdom


Diagnosis:tubal blockage


Medical history: Victoria had an ectopic pregnancy two and a half years ago. So her left fallopian tube had been removed at that time. However, she hadn't got pregnant for half a year since the surgery. So 2 years ago, Victoria went to the hospital and took some checkups. And the result showed blockage on the right fallopian tube. Victoria was so eager to have a baby that she tried everything she could to treat the tubal blockage. However, there was no improvement.  


Consulting time: 2013.8.7


Treating courses: 

Three - month treatment with fuyan pill




Victoria consulted Dr. Lee about constipation. Considering that Victoria had a history of long-term constipation, Dr. Lee advised her eat more fruits and vegetables, and continue the treatment. Dr. Lee also asked Victoria to be on a strict diet control.



After the second treatment course, Victoria told Dr. Lee that she had her menstruation delayed for 3 days. Considering that Victoria had had tubal blockage for a long time, Dr. Lee suggested her the continuing observation. And Victoria was also advised to take a pregnancy test with the first morning urine if the menstruation delayed for more than 7 days. 



At the end of the third treatment course, Victoria told Dr. Lee that she had her menstrual period delayed more than 7 days, so she took the pregnancy test, and the result showed positive. Dr. Lee congratulated Victoria but still suggested her get screened in the hospital. Victoria followed Dr. Lee's advice. And the result showed intrauterine pregnancy. Victoria had a successful pregnancy. Knowing the result, Dr. Lee asked Victoria to stop drug use during pregnancy and avoid sex at the early stages of pregnancy.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/Testimonials/2014/0904/648.html

How to treat infertility caused by chlamydia infection?

Chlamydia is a pathogen which can infect men's and women's reproductive systems. If chlamydia infection is left untreated or has been maltreated, it may cause infertility. 

How does chlamydia cause infertility?
Men's urinary system and genital system shares the same opening at the penis. As a result, pathogens, like chlamydia, infects men's urethra before it infects other parts of the body. In the beginning, urinary discomfort are common symptoms. Chlamydia can then infect prostate gland or bladder later after that. Then possibly infect epididymis, testis, and seminal vesicle. 
A fertility problem may occur on men with prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis, or orchitis, as these diseases can affect the producing or subsisting of sperm. Motility, PH, liquefaction and density of semen are always effected after men's genital system is infected with chlamydia. Chlamydia also can attach on semen cells to effect their activity. Another important aspect is that chlamydia causes semen deformity. Survey found that semen deformity rate on men with chlamydia infection can be as high as 80%. 
Damage can remain after the pathogen is cleared up if the infection has been existing for long enough. This is the reason why some men who have had chlamydia infection before may suffer from a infertility. 
How to treat infertility caused by chlamydia infection?
Chlamydia trachomatis, the pathogen to cause chlamydia infection, can affect any organs of genital system, one or many. To treat infertility caused by previous chlamydia infection, the medicine must can reverse function of the organs. Antibiotics can kill chlamydia trachomatis in a short time but they cannot reverse the damaged tissue. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the very medicine to treat such a infertility. 
By promoting blood and Qi circulation, dissolving stasis, dissipating hard lumps, clearing away heat and dampness, subsiding swell or congestion, with the mighty self-healing capability of the body, damaged tissues or organs can be treated. This is how Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill works on infertility caused by previous chlamydia infection. 
To take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to treat such an infertility, you need to:
- Take the pills for three months. 
- Keep the required diet: spicy foods and condiment, poultry, fish, beef, seafood, onions, durians, pickles, alcohol and milk are forbidden. 
No other herbs or herbal products are allowed during medication. Ask Dr. Lee if you're on some medication or need to take other medicine.
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Chlamydia/20120517/chlamydia-infertility.html