




How does chlamydial trachomatis lead to infertility

Chlamydia trachomatis and infertility

Diseases that are communicated by sexual activities go by the general name of STDs, which commonly include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia infection, mycoplasma infection, toxoplasma gondii infection, etc. Among those diseases, some can cause fallopian tube obstruction, some can lead to endometritis, uterine muscle wall damage or endocrine dysfunction. What's worse, some disease can even damage vital organs, which is a big threat to life. In addition, miscarriage, premature delivery or stillbirth are also threats for a pregnant woman who has STD.
Causes of chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis is one of the primary causes of non-gonococcal infection in the female reproductive tract. Usually transmission through sex is the main mode of infection. Then, indirect infections transmitted through eyes, hands or contaminated clothes or specialty or precision equipment are also normal. Chlamydia trachomatis grows in the infected cells, then it forms various types of inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm, which only invades epithelial cells but not the subcutaneous tissue. Also, female reproductive tract infections are origins of many diseases, such as bartholinitis, cervicitis, salpingitis, endometritis, etc. As a matter of fact, about 75 percent of patients do not feel anything different when chlamydia infection occurs. Therefore it is a disease which can be easily ignored. If the infection spreads, it will even lead to ectopic pregnancy or infertility.   
Manifestations of chlamydia trachomatis
Clinically, endocervicitis is the most common disease in female reproductive infections. When the neck of uterus is infected, liquid purulent discharge appear. Moreover, cervical congestion, edema, contact bleeding are all the manifestations. However, people can be infected with chlamydia trachomatis without having any symptoms. Ascending infection is able to bring about endometritis, acute salpingitis, acute urethral syndrome ( urinary urgency, urinary frequency, dysuria, sterile urine ) and bartholinitis.  If a pregnant woman has chlamydia trachomatis, her baby can be infected with it through childbirth and it may develop to conjunctivitis and chlamydial pneumonia. It has been reported that twenty five percents of infertility patients are diagnosed with positive chlamydia trachomatis. Specially, when chlamydia trachomatis causes cervical infection, which stops sperm moving up. In addition, it can lead to inflammation, adhesion and obstruction of the reproductive cavity, which indirectly give rise to infertility. In a word, patients and doctor should attach importance to chlamydia trachomatis.   
Diagnosis of chlamydia trachomatis
According to the history, with the help of reference of gynecologial examination and accessory examination, the disease is not difficult to be made diagnosis. 
1. Cytologic examination 
A. Use Giemsa to check inclusion body, though it is easy and quick, the positive rate is not high
B. Tissue culture, which is a complicate method, takes a long time and costs much.
2. Immunologic test
A. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.
B. Monoclonal antibody immunofluorescence.
Treatment of chlamydia trachomatis
Tough medication of chlamydia trachomatis is not a thorny issue, how to cure the long-term uncured chlamydia trachomatis is still a problem that troubles many people. Antibiotic is the first choice to treat the disease, however, a large number of patients still confront with the more serious condition. Why does that always happen? We have mentioned thousands of times that drug resistance is a common matter in western medicine. But things are different in traditional Chinese medical science. Dr.Lee introduces a new medication--Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It is a pure traditional Chinese medicine which will not bing any side-effect. The fundamental principle of the treatment is holistic therapy, by eliminating bacteria and regulate body-internal-circulation, patients are able to recover with three to four months.
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Chlamydia/20120504/chlamydia-trachomatis.html


。いくつかの恩恵は、男女共にユニセックスや許容されるが、一部は他よりも1つのセックスを傾く。フェミニンなものとは、男性のための恩恵を区別するため には、贈答品の一部の機能を検討し、最も。それはあなたに女性的な性質のものであるオスのゲストトークンを与えるために役に立たないであろう。アップ、パ ルスおよびその他の項目を作る。男性結婚式の好意は、男性が愛する活動に関連するいくつかの男性的な特徴を示すべきである。最も一般的な結婚式は、電子や 機械起源であるアイテムかもしれない男性のために有利に働く。当然のことながら、男性は、カメラ、シェーバー、ゲトミーヒルフィガー アウトレット
ーム、デジタル時計、日記、電卓などの項目に非常に興味があると時計を停止することが知られている。それらが使用されるたびれるようにこれらのすべての電 子ギフトは機能的でなければならない。ゲストは、あなたの大切な日のことを思い出している。エレクトロニクスでは、このようにして、それが社会のクリーム を求めている多くに幸運を要するかもしれない。また、メンテナンスや修理が最初の数ヶ月で廃棄されるのを避けるために簡単なはずです。

アン ティーク家具、時計、時計、皮革製品、ヒュミドール、レコードプレーヤー、マシンや他の多くのような男性では非常に興味深い。これらのほとんどは、簡単に 研究として、または座っルームとベッドルーム、単一の場合は、自分の秘密の部屋を飾るために使用することができます。トークンは、彼らが作ったと運転した 方法で機能的な作成アミューズメントでなければなりません。それは、新郎新婦が自分のゲストに好意を一致させることができ、個別の利益を研究が、これらを 大量に取得することは非常に困難です。供給が非常に小さい場合骨董品は、別の報酬を受けて他の人と最も価値のゲストのために予約することができます。



あ なたの家は現代の変化に、より伝統的なアクセサリーを持っている場合など寝具リネン、あなたのベッドの余分なスタイルを与えるトミーヒルフィガーなどのデ ザイナーがある。大声で、明るい色、楽しさと現代美術のために、その後エコーホームのような場所でお使いのリネンを探します。彼らの寝具のコレクション は、あなたが探しているものとの右フィットします。すべてこれは少し多すぎるようで、あなただけのカジュアルスタイルの素敵で快適な何かをしたい場合は、 石のコテージのリネンはあなたのためのものである可能性があります。

デザイナー寝具はちょうど成長アップのため、子供たちも楽しさと遊び心のテートミーヒルフィガー アウトレット


Introduction about five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes

Introduction about five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes

Tubal blockage is a kind of severe disease which will finally cause female infertility. As it does great harm to women's health, attention should be paid to this disease. There are many reasons that induce the blockage, and in this article, the author mainly introduces five conditions that can cause blocked fallopian tubes.
1. Salpingitis: 
Once salpingitis occurs, the opening of fallopian tubes, especially the one which is used to pick up eggs (the umbrella end), is partly or completely obstructed. In addition, salpingitis can also cause the adhesion of inner tubal lining, making the lumen narrow or atresic. As a result, the transportation of eggs, sperms and fertilized eggs are impeded, finally leading to infertility. What's worse, inflammation can spread to the pelvic peritoneum, uterus and the surrounding organs, eventually leading to the hardening of these organs and their ineffective activity. And the fallopian tubes will become stiff and twisted, reaching an incurable degree.
2. Pelvic adhesion:
In the pelvic cavity, adhesion often occurs in the ovary or at the end of the fallopian tubes. And sometimes the fallopian tubes may be adhered to the adjacent organs, disturbing their normal functioning. Under these circumstances, fallopian tubes are also blocked.
3. Sexually transmitted diseases
Due to the increased extramarital sex and sexual partners, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) also rises. These STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma can easily affect the fallopian tubes if they are not timely or completely treated. 
4. Inflammation after abortion 
Abortion not only terminates the pregnancy, but also tends to cause inflammation. Because of the inflammation and scar tissue in the fallopian tubes, tubal blockage is very likely to occur.  Besides, the embryonic tissue and embryo appendages can also invade into the fallopian tubes, resulting in fallopian tube obstruction. Although this kind of obstruction only has an incidence about 1%, it deserves attention. 
5. Infection after appendicular perforation
For women who have a history of appendicular perforation, the opportunity of tubal blockage will increase. In the result of a contrastive study, the chance of tubal blockage is 4.8 times higher in the experimental group than that in control group. The reason is that, the appendix is close to the fallopian tube, so the infection can easily spread to fallopian tubes and cause scar tissue. 
Once suffering from the above conditions, females must receive timely and appropriate treatment as soon as possible. Only in this way can tubal blockage be effectively prevented and the risk of infertility be greatly reduced. For most gynecological inflammations, chlamydia and mycoplasma, patients can take patented medicine- fuyan pill- to get a cure. Wish all patients soon recovery!
article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Fallopian_Tube_Condit6ions/2014/0730/214.html

What Happens if I Get my Chlamydia Untreated?

As one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia is not easy to be found since symptoms are not apparent and unknowingly passed to sexual partners.
When infected chlamydia, some female patients don’t care about it because they think symptoms of Chlamydia are common for women, some others think: “what happens if I get my chlamydia untreated?” Dr. Lee said females will run the high risk of several health problems if they get chlamydia untreated.
First of all, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be caused by chlamydia infection. And PID, an infection of the female reproductive organs, is the main killer for the fallopian tubes, which means fallopian tubes may be blocked because of chlamydia infection. Then the following fatal consequence is infertility for women.
Secondly, when patients with chlamydia infection are pregnant, it is easy to result in ectopic pregnancy. Because of the blocked fallopian tubes caused by chlamydia infection, the fertilized egg can’t implant in the uterus but developing in the fallopian tube. Therefore, patients have to bear the huge harm from not only physically but also psychologically. 
Thirdly, ever if it is successful to be pregnant in the uterus, chlamydia infection may cause premature births which are dangerous for both mothers and new babies. What is worse, those new babies may be infected with chlamydia when they born because the infection can be passed along from the mother to her baby during childbirth. So those new babies maybe suffer from eye infection, blindness or pneumonia.
Last but not least, patients who have been infected by chlamydia have to be troubled by the long-term pain. Symptoms of chlamydia infection include painful periods, pain when urinating and having sex, abdominal pain with fever, bleeding during periods, abnormal vaginal discharge that may have an odor, itching or burning in or around the vagina, which can influence the daily life severely.
To sum up, it is not a piece of a cake for chlamydia infection. Dr. Lee suggests women should go the hospital and have an exam if they are not sure about infecting chlamydia. And fuyan pill, the Chinese herbal medicine, is alternative with its efficacy of eliminating inflammation, killing bacteria, clearing heat and promoting blood circulation.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Chlamydia_Infection/2014/0805/217.html